Showing results for “Typology”
Two things in the Transfiguration help us know who Christ is: his dazzling white clothes, and Mark's use of the word "fuller". They open new layers of meaning to help us understand Christ a little more.
Did you know there are two major floods in Scriptures, one is the popular one with Noah, and the lesser-known one at the End of Time?
How is the birth of Adam connected to Pentecost? It has to do with God breathing life into the Church.
There's an obscure but old custom of chalking doors on the Feat of the Epiphany. What is it, why do it, and how does one go about doing it?
There are several lessons we can learn from the Visit of the Magi. This article reflects on how these apply to our relationship with God.
When Christ presents himself as a bridegroom, he makes two claims: he is God, and he is our redeemer.
The Gospel of Luke presents Mary as the Ark of the Covenant in the way it is written to parallel events in the Old Testament. This article picks up three lessons from this episode.
Mary is the Help of Christians for she fights against the enemies of Christ's Kingdom. One such instance is in the Battle of Lepanto, and another is against Napoleon's evil plans against Pope Pius VII.
We invoke Mary as the Tower of Ivory because she exhibits its characteristics on Black Saturday.
This is the third-part of a series that explains the non-Scriptural scenes in the Passion of the Christ, and their theological messages.